Eclipse Glasses Donation - Astronomers Without Borders

August 26, 2017

EG Photography is helping Astronomers Without Borders with their eclipse glasses donation program. Recycled glasses will be inspected and then sent to places around the globe where future eclipses may take place. Please help protect the eyes of others who may not have access to these special glasses!

You may drop off your glasses at EG Photography via the mail slot on the main entrance (note, this is the Penn St side!). If you have a larger collection, please call 717-329-6445 and I can arrange a local pickup.

Per the Astronomers Without Borders website, here's a quick FAQ

How long does this campaign last?
There is no deadline set yet. We expect to be receiving glasses at least until the end of September. If you're registered as an AWB Collection Partner we'll let you know if a deadline is set.

Will you make sure that these are all ISO certified and otherwise safe to use?
Yes! We will examine each pair to make sure they aren't damaged, and to verify that they are certified safe and not counterfeit. We won't send on any that we can't be sure are safe to use.

Where will you send my glasses?
We'll send them to schools and other institutions in countries where they're needed but aren't available. The next two solar eclipses across populated areas are in 2019 - a total solar eclipse in southern South America and an annular eclipse (where the Moon doesn't quite cover the whole Sun) in southeastern Asia. But a partial eclipse will be seen throughout most of South America and southern Asia so the glasses are needed by millions. If there are glasses left we'll send them to more schools in countries with eclipses beyond 2019.

Will the schools in other countries receive these glasses free?
Yes! We will handle all the shipping costs, and the glasses will be distributed through volunteer networks in those countries. We have done this in the past, though on a much smaller scale, and no one has ever been charged anything for receiving what we have sent to them.

How do you know they'll be used the way they're supposed to?
We have trusted partners we have worked with in many countries, and we vet any new partners very carefully to insure that they really are distributing the glasses as promised. There are astronomy enthusiasts doing education and outreach who support their schools in every country for the benefit of the teachers, students, and development of their countries.

There's a warning on my glasses that they're not safe to use after one year / two years / three years:

The filter material is required to not degrade according to the latest ISO standard. The paper can be damaged by inappropriate storage, which may be the concern some manufacturers have. Each pair to make sure they aren't damaged and to verify that they are certified safe, and they will be stored in an appropriate environment. We won't send out any glasses that we can't be sure are safe to use. 

Even if you're not sure if your glasses are safe (I know many were found suspect via Amazon), feel free to donate them anyway. Trained inspectors will help to determine their safety anyway. Either way, your donation is very much appreciated!

Want to set up a larger donation local pickup, or have additional questions? Please call or fill out the form below.

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